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Business population estimates for the UK and regions

Underlying data from the publication Business population estimates for the UK and regions [URN 11/92 + 11/92A]. Provides the only offical government estimates of the total number of private sector...

BEIS Prompt Payment Data

These datasets represent the percentage of invoices paid by the Department within 5 and 30 days of receipt. The data is shown in yearly quarters as required by Public Contracts Regulation...

BEIS Non-consolidated Performance Related Pay

Departments and their agencies are responsible for publishing aggregated information on their annual spend on non-consolidated performance related payments (in-year and end-year) for their staff...

BEIS: special advisers' gifts, hospitality and meetings

The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) publishes details of meetings between special advisers and the media, senior executives and other external parties on a quarterly...

BEIS Government Major Projects Portfolio data

Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) Government Major Projects Portfolio data that supports the Infrastructure and Projects Authority (IPA) annual report.

National Living Wage and National Minimum Wage: government evidence on compliance & enforcement

This report looks at the government’s evidence and analysis on the enforcement of National Minimum Wage and National Living Wage. This evidence helps monitor, evaluate and review minimum wage...

UK greenhouse gas emissions: quarterly data

These statistics will be based on the energy statistics in BEIS’s quarterly Energy Trends publications, and will enable trends in UK emissions to be monitored on a more regular basis. Each release...

Life science sector data

This annual report includes charts on the UK life science sector, and how it compares to other countries. Areas covered include: UK industry research and development regulatory...

Consumer protection study 2022

This study aimed to understand consumers’ experiences with purchasing items and services, the type and impact of problems they faced in doing so, and how they managed to resolve these...

Coronavirus business grant funding by parliamentary constituency and local authority

Data on the number and value of grants to small and medium sized businesses (SMEs) in response to the coronavirus pandemic. The spreadsheet shows the total amount of money that each local...

Coronavirus (Covid 19) grant funding: local authority payments to small and medium businesses

Local authorities have received and distributed funding to support small and medium businesses in England during coronavirus. The datasets cover schemes managed by local authorities: Additional...

BEIS business critical analytical models 2022

A list of the main analytical models deployed by BEIS to support policies as of 30 March 2022. Recommendation 4 of the Review of quality assurance of government models (Macpherson Review) asked...

Government Major Projects Portfolio Senior Responsible Owners

The government is committed to publishing lists of the SROs for projects on the GMPP. To address this commitment the Infrastructure and Projects Authority (IPA) publishes lists of the SROs...

Public Attitudes to Science

A collection of studies looking at the UK public’s attitudes to science, scientists and science policy.

BEIS: gender pay gap information

Data on the difference in employees’ average earnings releases from April 2016 .

Green Homes Grant Voucher and Installation statistics

These official statistics monitor the delivery of measures through the Green Homes Grant (GHG) voucher scheme. Our tables provide analysis on the measures installed and households receiving...

COVID-19 loan guarantee schemes repayment data

This publication provides an update on the performance of the government’s COVID-19 loan guarantee schemes, including: the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS) the Coronavirus...

Renewable Energy Planning Database (REPD)

The Renewable Energy Planning Database (REPD) tracks the progress of renewable energy projects from planning application, through to consent, construction and operation.

Green Homes Grant Local Authority Delivery

The Green Homes Grant Local Authority Delivery scheme was launched in August 2020. This £500 million scheme funds energy efficiency and low carbon heating projects for low income households across...

Heat Networks dataset

This data is furnished to the Energy officials within the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy to provide evidence and to allow analysis for policy development. The data only...